By Ed Williamson

Choose Your Destiny
September 8, 2024 | Riversong Church | Dr. Edward Williamson
40th Anniversary: New Covenant Worship
May 5, 2024 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Celebrating Covenant’s 40th Anniversary, Dr. Edward Williamson, the founding pastor, delivers a message on the essential nature of worship and our approach to it as we look reflect on what God has done and look forward to what God is going to continue to do at Covenant.
Alabaster Jar | John 12
April 18, 2023 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Edward Williamson relates the power and importance of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet.
God Uses a Nobody
July 10, 2022 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Join us as Dr. Edward Williamson encourages us through a teaching on Moses from Exodus.
You Are Sent
April 10, 2022 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Ed Williamson discusses Isaiah 6:1-9.
Broken Crayons Still Color
April 4, 2022 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Edward Williamson shares a message with us about God’s viewpoint on our brokenness.
Hell, Are You Sure?
February 2022 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
What Does Jesus say about hell?
A Season of Challenge, A Season of Extraordinary Faith
Oct. 2021 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Edward and Gilda Williamson share what God is doing in southeast Asia through One Mission Society.
Holy Spirit Who? Series
June-July 2021 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
A 3 part series: Part 1 – Infilling of Holy Spirit | Part 2 – Holy Hurt | Part 3 – Fire Out
Habakkuk Series – Rope a Dope
Sept-Oct 2020 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
A 3 part series on Habakkuk where Dr. Edward Williamson shares how God is doing something new at this very time in history.
Just One, Isaiah 59:1
May 17, 2020 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Edward Williamson talks about the difference one person can make for Jesus when they stand in prayer.
Fervent Prayer
April 17-25, 2020 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Guidance for prayer this week through the Scripture and a vision for what God wants to do globally.
Loretta’s Testimony
Loretta Williamson went home to be with Jesus in June of 2013 after a 20 year journey with cancer where God used it as a platform for her to testify to his goodness in the midst of the storms of life. Let her testimony encourage you today.
Loretta Williamson went home to be with Jesus on June 2, 2013 after a 20 year testimony through her battles with cancer. This is the celebration of her life and legacy recorded at Covenant Evangelical Methodist Church on June 14, 2013.
Checkmate Satan
February 23, 2020 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Ed Williamson completes his 4 part series on Advancing Christ’s Kingdom with this message. Satan has lost. Jesus has won. Let’s live like the king has the last move.
Bad Guys
December 8, 2019 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Today’s sermon is on demons. What we should know and what we should do with what we know.
Good Angels
September 29, 2019 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
The new pastor of discipleship and evangelism, Dr. Edward Williamson, preaches the 2nd part of his series “Advancing God’s Kingdom.”
The King Has the Last Move
April 28, 2019 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Edward Williamson preaches the truth about God’s plan for Covenant as a local church, but also how we need to view adversity and challenges in our personal lives.
Who did this to Joseph?
October 1, 2017 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Road to Self Surrender
September 30, 2017 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
This is the second message of revival with Dr. Edward Williamson. In this message Dr. Williamson compares the journeys of Judah and Joseph showing the need for self surrender in every life.
Sovereign Dreams and Detours
September 29, 2017 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
This is the first of three messages that Dr. Edward Williamson gave on Joseph. God’s plan to accomplish his will is always good. But it is not always on our timeline or through our methods.
Oaks of Righteousness
November 1, 2015 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Edward Williamson preaches on how we can become “Oaks of Righteousness” to reach a lost and dying world.
Preparing for the Journey Home
June 16, 2013 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Dr. Edward Williamson preaches a powerful sermon about life after death and eternity.
Combating the Devil
January 13, 2013 | Covenant Evangelical Church | Morgantown, WV
Rev. Nate Williamson’s installation service as senior pastor and Dr. Ed Williamson’s sermon on how to combat the devil.